Open Page, v 1.1

The fact is, I don’t own it, and I might pick it up if I run into it used. J and I keep debating (read: fighting) about LDAPS – I think it sucks. This is worse, and I really liked hubcap. I hear the live show sucks, too. Time to cut bait before LoudBomb

Since the man owns my a** tomorrow, I’ve decided to stay up all nigt solving the eternal question:
Which is better: Lame or bladeenc.

A fairly risky undertaking for someone with over 30 gigs of bladeenc encoded mp3s, but I’ll manage to remain impartial…I swear.

For your listening pleasure*, I’ll include:

My headphones ran out of batteries, and I don’t dare play them this late, what with the wife & tiny apartment & all – but I’d like to know if you find a difference.

* Secret of the easy yoke by Pedro. I’m not cool enough that you haven’t heard of them – I hear the new one’s great. Already have tickets to the BB show. Yes, he’s christian, no I’m not… what’s that make Creed.
Secret of the Easy Yoke.


Open Page, v 1.1

I think if Juliet, Matt, and Dave used “instant runoff voting” we’d discover that Bob Mould would win any election to favorite musician. His new album has now come in at the station. So, the question is, then, have we abandoned any pretense of legitimate music purchases? After all, this would be our favorite artist on a sort of ‘self-release’. Or is everybody equally subject to arbitrary piracy?


Open Page, v 1.1

So you must know I’m not that much of a patriot, but my anti-citizenship still demands we play by the right rules. Check


compared to


And I totally had to edit this again, because an hour later it’s really making my blood boil. This radio station has been reading an announcement once a day for at least the last two weeks saying felons can’t vote. My more mainstream acquaintances can’t understand where I am politically, but then again, if they’re the sort of people likely to make errors like this, it’s no wonder. I mean, look at all the organizations on that Rice page. Nobody noticed all that “equal protection” stuff going on during Florida’s election? Yeah, why not let Florida wrongly deny voting rights to jailed persons resident in other states? While we’re at it, why don’t we publicize that Texas felons can’t vote, that way maybe they won’t. Great public service, Rice, way to go.
