Open Page, v 1.1

The fact is, I don’t own it, and I might pick it up if I run into it used. J and I keep debating (read: fighting) about LDAPS – I think it sucks. This is worse, and I really liked hubcap. I hear the live show sucks, too. Time to cut bait before LoudBomb

Since the man owns my a** tomorrow, I’ve decided to stay up all nigt solving the eternal question:
Which is better: Lame or bladeenc.

A fairly risky undertaking for someone with over 30 gigs of bladeenc encoded mp3s, but I’ll manage to remain impartial…I swear.

For your listening pleasure*, I’ll include:

My headphones ran out of batteries, and I don’t dare play them this late, what with the wife & tiny apartment & all – but I’d like to know if you find a difference.

* Secret of the easy yoke by Pedro. I’m not cool enough that you haven’t heard of them – I hear the new one’s great. Already have tickets to the BB show. Yes, he’s christian, no I’m not… what’s that make Creed.
Secret of the Easy Yoke.
