Pedro @ the Bowery Ballroom

I’m going to try to do a better job of logging live things and such, but it’s 1:11, and I’m tired, and have to get up in 5 hours, so I’ll just add a placeholder for now.
Good show, would have been great had they played more old stuff, but truly a very nice suprise to see they (he?) had quite a bit of stage presence. Q&A all night long, which was good. Obviously lots of very big fans in the front who asked interesting questions. Suprised to see he came on for the encore (if you could call it that, one song on a borrowed guitar) w/ a beer. Managed to work man love & camel fucker (sarcastically) into his patter.
Great crowd, very white of course, but SILENT & appreciative. Never hear the BB quiet for a solo song.
Don’t be confused though, they rawked. Didn’t think I’d need the earplugs, and put them in my pocket out of habit, but not at all a laid back set on some of the new stuff.
Had my favorite spot for listening alone – upstairs next to the sound board & bar.