Crisped Rice
As someone who struggles with marshmallows sometimes,
you should know that I picked up the ingredients for Kellogg’s Rice Krispy Treats.
Leia’s metal bikini
Leia’s metal bikini
DHS installs keylogger in new Dell – hoax, or scariest thing ever?
Hoax, thankfully.
What’s next, Christmas?
Money is NOT speech. By equating the two you’re taking away the voice that I, as someone with less money than you, have. I know this wasn’t unexpected, but this combined with the others we’ve seen recently points to this being a very rough few years for the People.
Bowling with Marines
Defense of Marriage. There’s more an more noise about this, and everyone needs to make it an issue in the midterms. I think we should stop fighting it, as long as there’s a provision that makes divorce difficult, or requires mandatory counseling before, during and after. Let’s move the debate away from the ‘other’ and towards ‘us’ – I bet that’d change a few minds.
The sources would talk only under a guarantee of anonymity because the NSA program is secret.
I’m more interested in why this NSA phone database comes up now. Obviously it has to do with Hayden, someone wants him to become unconfirmable, that’s no great insight. But it’s not the Dems, at least I hope that this isn’t finally the fight they choose to pick It’s got to be the CIA afraid of having a NSA/military guy in charge.
If that’s the case it makes me a little sad, because this might be the final straw and it was brought about by infighting. The most illegal and immoral governement of the US in modern times, possibly ever, and we can’t organize an effective resistance.